Sleep Fictions: A Digital Companion

II.XIII.6 Mirth

In this passage, the reader is told that Lily “did not, in truth, consider the question very closely—the physical craving for sleep was her only sustained sensation. Her mind shrank from the glare of thought as instinctively as eyes contract in a blaze of light—darkness, darkness was what she must have at any cost. She raised herself in bed and swallowed the contents of the glass." Lily’s consumption of the choral in its entirety, as well as her previous visions of a “lifeless universe,” evidence her act of suicide. In this moment, Lily is not accidentally overdosing; she is acting upon a deliberate decision she made in her desire to cease the blaze of dissatisfaction and social isolation enforced upon her by her environment.

A 2014 JAMA Psychiatry report* found that "poor sleep quality appeared to confer elevated risk for suicide."


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